Snap reckons I dont tilt, and he is probably right but I have never really thought about it much. But he got me thinking about it.
Being on tilt means letting your emotions beat your ability to play. Most players go on tilt at some point, so limiting it is essential to winning long term. Poker is a game that requires reason. You also need to know when to fold, especially when you feel a bit tilty. By letting your emotions take control you keep chasing those draws, hoping to catch the card that you need and "hope" you are not beat. You have to stay focused and rational while at the poker table. Mostly you will tilt due to a bad beat or if you just can't seem to win a hand and while it is natural, you need to limit it.
The best way I find if I feel a bit tilty is to sit out a couple of hands and go for a piss or make the missus a cuppa. Not immediately though, but after the next hand, cos getting a monster on the very next hand after a beat is a great way to double back up. Imagine you have just suffered a bit of a beat - and then you get dealt bullets, best thing is a quick go in the chat box "lucky b", "fuckin fish", "grrrrrrr", and then you stick your remaining stack in the middle. You will get calls from all sorts of rag hands, bingo. But only wait for that one hand and if you feel tilting, step awaaaaayy from the pc, and do as advised above.
When you are away from the table, reset your thoughts, change your train of thinking and come back with a neutral perspective of the game you are playing.
Take each game on its merits, each game you play is a seperate entity and is not linked to the previous one, so why let your previous game affect the one you are playing at the moment.