Tuesday, October 24, 2006

500 Games on Betfair

The ajcairns account on betfair is officially 500 STTs old.

The account is the grand total of £154 in profit, which is an average of 31p profit per game. Have a look at the profit/loss graph cut and paste from sharkscope, which has shown a steady rise, with only a couple of blips, the most noteable one when I stepped up a level during the day and couldnt hack it, soon learnt my lesson.

Anyway, heres a couple of other graphs, firstly ROI, which is not so good at the £10 level:

And a one the littler ones where it shows my finishing position in the £5 STTs:

No world beater I'm sure you'll agree, but it beats being a loser!


sorcha said...

not bad aj:):)
although its all about the star these days;)

Doob said...

Well played on the profit AJ, funnily enough I have also retired the Doob account on 500 STTs. I'm just pleased that sharkscope doesn't pick up Flashmob games lol.

I want a star!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

nicely done mate.

can't believe you can't make the £10 games pay tho' - you have the hoo-doo over me when we play and I've not done too badly in those. That blip - was it poor play or simply variance?

oh well, well done anyhow and gl for the next 500!