Friday, December 30, 2005

A Freeroll is not Just for Xmas

Whilst playing yet another freeroll last night, I was thinking and wondering why these companies/magazines/poker sites would give away so much free cash away. I have taken at least $100 in the last week for absolutely no investment- I have not even had to deposit any cash to play in these games. Oh well the marketing men know what they are doing.

The game last night was coutesy of Inside Edge magazine, and there was only 63 players entered for a $1000 fund. Managed to sneak into the money and finish in 8th for about $70. Also played a bit of cash ($25 buy in .10/.25 blinds PL) on Partypoker and managed to turn $25 into $45, so not a bad night.

Looking forward now to New Years Eve, not for the piss ups but for the fact that there are even more freerolls to be had. I have also just downloaded Poker Tracker so I need to get my head round exactly what the fish symbol next to my name means. Only joking, its a telephone really (calling station, presumably hmmmm).

Played the Betfair €50 Bonus and the £2 MTT this morning at 9am, but nothing doing, so I think I will play a bit more cash at Partypoker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

alrite mate, nice blog, followed the link from Redcar's blog, i've just started my own blog tracking my progress playing only MTT's. wondering if you could tell me of which sites are best for freerolls and also for adding a percentage to your deposit without having to play cash games. Keep the blog goin btw, its a good read, my blog is
i've added a link from mine to yours, hope you don't mind, cheers